Latest Breaking : Chief Editor Popinder Paras Honoured in Punjab


Gurdaspur (Adesh Parminder Singh) Chief Editor of Sheeraja Punjabi, J&K Academy Mr. Popinder Singh Paras especially honoured by Sabrangh Sahit Sabha, Gurdaspur, in a special literary meet organised by K.D. Eye hospital. This meet was organised jointly bY renown poet Mr. Balwinder Balam, Anil Pathankoti and Raj Gurdapuri. On this occasion Balwinder Balam and K.D. Singh said that Punjabi writers of J& K state Editor Popinder Singh Paras and their culture academy playing a vital role for our society.

On this occasion Popinder Singh Paras said that a multilingual mushehra would be organised at Sabhrangh Sabha Gurdaspur, where the writers of Dogri, Hindhi, Punjabi, Urdu, Kashmeri, Balti, China-lehladakhi, Sindhi, and Poonchi, would present their Gazals and Poems. On this occasion Ravi Kumar, Ashok Pankaj, Rajesh Gupta, K.S. Amar, Harbans Singh, Manmohan Dhakalvi, Gurpeet Guri were also present.

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